Terry Coatham Obituary, Terry Coatham Has Passed Away


Terry Coatham Obituary, Death – Terry Melvern Coatham (of Durham) will be remembered with love and affection forever. We are saddened to inform you that our dear friend Terry Coatham passed away unexpectedly at his home on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. He is a valued father to Alice, Benedict, and Edward, as well as a much-loved husband to Sandra. Respected colleague and friend to many, as well as the cherished son of his late parents, who also bore him the titles of brother, nephew, and uncle. At the Durham Crematorium (South Road Cemetery), there will be a memorial service held on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 10 a.m. in celebration of his life.

After this, there will be a private burial for immediate family members only. In lieu of traditional floral tributes, the Student Support Fund (Hardship) at the University of Sunderland gratefully accepts monetary contributions. At the conclusion of the ceremony, there will be a collection taken up. After the event, any of your friends who were there are welcome to join you for some refreshments at The Honest Lawyer.A memorial service will be held on Thursday, the 19th of October 2023 at 10:00 AM at the Durham Crematorium, which is located in South Road Cemetery.

The purpose of the service is to honor his life and commemorate his legacy. After the funeral service, there will be a private burial where Terry’s family and friends can say their final goodbyes. We would appreciate it very much if, in lieu of sending flowers, you would give some thought to making a contribution to the Student Support Fund (Hardship) at the University of Sunderland. Terry had a strong commitment to learning and a firm faith in the importance of providing assistance to students who were struggling financially. At the conclusion of the service, there will be an opportunity for family, friends, and well-wishers to give to this worthy cause by contributing to a collection that will be kept for these donations.

